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daily nom #12

Posted by aleta under daily noms

I was absolutely flattered to to have my Blueberry and Cheddar Pancake Stack painted by Lisa of The Lunchbox Project. This is one of my favourite Omnomicon images, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes it. On a related note, the very existence of this painting strokes my ego like whoah.

animated pancakes    Dr. Seuss stripes.

  1. lo Said,

    Well, who can argue? That’s one great stack o’ pancakes!

  2. Apollo Said,

    The very existence of that painting strokes my hunger like whoa.

  3. Pearl Said,

    oh my gosh – what a beautiful painting!

  4. stephchows Said,

    That’s freakin AWESOME!!!

  5. Steve Said,

    This image should be outlawed on the fact that it causes whoever looks at it to immediately want it to be 7am on a Saturday.

  6. anna Said,

    SO cute!

  7. ivy Said,

    i would like to send you the picture i took of my pancakes trying to copy you. that is the ultimate flattery, you know! the painting is really cute.

  8. ivy Said,

    oh, and i have a piccy of my whoopie pie, using your recipe

  9. LadyGlutter Said,

    That image of the Seussian pancakes is why I’m a regular reader here. Just saying. 🙂

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