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daily nom #25

Posted by aleta under daily noms

Here is a banana-free picture, wherein I am creating a graham cracker crust with the aid of my trusty bar blender.

Soon to be but crumbs upon my countertop, bwahahah!

  1. Jess Tryon Said,

    Dear Aleta,

    I got a blender for my wedding ten years ago. All I’d made with my mom’s blender before then were slushies or other liquids. My new blender had blades in the bottom of it, which went all bendy and broken when I tried to grind the ice. I wasn’t very smart. Unfortunately, I also got rather upset with that experience and have never since used my blender. Apparently I’m still not very smart.

    So as I have no blender skills, I need to ask: What’s a “bar blender”? Is it specially for using at a bar? Or for grinding up bar-shaped food? Or is there a bar-shaped blade? What makes your blender bar-ish?

    With blending hopes possibly renewed,
    Jess the Non-Blending

  2. Apollo Said,

    Now that’s something I can get behind. Graham cracker crusts are totally awesome.

  3. Amanda Said,

    Are you making banana cheesecake?

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