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daily nom #20

Speaking with a gardening-enthusiast work colleague last week, I found out that radishes are one of the quickest things to grow—and usually the first edible plants of the season (along with rhubarb). Unsurprisingly, this bunch was plucked from Berberian’s Northborough fields in the first week of May.

radishes: pretty much always in season

  1. Pearl Said,

    om nom nom radishes!

  2. Amanda Said,

    Oh goodness, I had this wonderful radish/orange/mint salad a couple of days back, what did you do with your radishes?

  3. Andrea Said,

    When I was younger, we had some radish seeds and for whatever reason, I decided to just chuck a few in the backyard… and they grew on their own no problem (with no attention from me) and were yummy to boot! This was during a CT summer. =) Give it a go, it’s impossible to *not* grow radishes!

  4. Mu Said,

    They look so delicious: I love your food photos to death.

  5. kaos Said,

    …I had a lot of radishes in the garden last year, but – alas – most were eaten by pesky ants. Grr..!

  6. megan Said,

    I love radishes and your pictures are beautiful!

  7. Mars Said,

    right you are! growing radishes in your personal garden is a very satisfying experience. Really like the vibrant bunch pictured here. 🙂

  8. Omnomicon makes » daily nom #30 Said,

    […] white shade, these also come in purple and regular radish red. These are a little more earthy than conventionally grown radishes, […]

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